The European Parliament Written Declaration on Autism (2015)

This Written Declaration calls on the European Union and its Member States to adopt a European strategy for autism that will:

-Support accurate detection and diagnosis across Europe
-Promote evidence-based treatment and support for all ages
-Foster research and prevalence studies
-Encourage the exchange of best practices

The Written Declaration requires signatures from more than 50 per cent of the 751 MEPS within 3 months in order to be adopted by the European Parliament.

The Written Declaration opens for signatures on April 27 and closes on July 27, 2015. 

What is a Written Declaration of the European Parliament?

A written declaration of the European Parliament is a principled document that gives direction to the institutions of the European Union and EU Member States. For example, in 1996, the European Parliament adopted a written declaration called the 'Charter for Persons with Autism', which was drafted by Autism-Europe. Many Autism-Europe members have used this charter to advocate for improvements in support for people with autism at national level. Written declarations of the European Parliament do not, however, call for any legislative action and are not enforceable by the institutions of the European Union. 

Download a copy of the Written Declaration on Autism:

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