London Police Set Up Autism Spectrum Disorder Registry

London Police have partnered with the London Region Chapter of Autism Ontario in creating an online registry for people with autism spectrum disorder.

The registry will give police officers quick access to information such as who to call in an emergency, a detailed physical description and any sensitivities that the person with autism may experience.

It would also provide Police with information that would assist in identifying and locating missing persons with autism.

If someone with autism who is registered is found wandering and is incapable of communicating his or her name to an officer, the registry will be used to identify the individual more quickly. Police will also be able to use the contact information to connect with parents or guardians.

A registration form can be completed online, or by contacting the Family Consultant / Victim Services Unit with the London Police Service at 519-661-5636.

It’s expected the registry will be up and running within about two weeks.

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